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7 things to learn about achieving gorgeous bare legs

7 things to learn about achieving gorgeous bare legs

With British weather often meaning cold and rain (even in the summer), it can be all too easy to hide your legs under trousers and tights. And as you may find, when you're less likely to showcase your legs, you're less likely to give them enough care. Read on and find out seven things to learn about achieving gorgeous bare legs, and be proud to show off your own.

1. Appreciate what you have

Set 20 minutes aside to appreciate your legs and what you love about them. Make sure to find parts that you are proud of and why, rather than dwelling on areas of improvement.

2. Identify your issues

Dry skin, hair and darker patches can all be easily changed whilst issues such as shape, cellulite and weight can be transformed with a little perseverance. Make sure to identify any specific problems, to give you focus.

3. Use the right moisturiser

If you notice bumps, flakiness or ingrown hairs, swap your body cream for one which includes skin polishing and enhancing AHAs or glycolic acid. To reduce dark knees or thick dead skin cells, invest in a skin-lightening cream that contains 2% hydroquinone.

4. Fake it till you make it

If you want to show off what you've achieved, certain beauty products will enhance the look of your legs and hide imperfections. A lightweight fake tan, shimmer cream or leg foundation will look flawless.

5. Say goodbye to creases

Knee skin slackens with age and it should be treated like your face or hands. A collagen-stimulating moisturiser with 0.5% to 1% of retinol applied daily will result in smoother, firmer skin in a few months.

6. Invest in long-lasting treatments

Treatments such as laser hair removal or cellulite reducing acoustic wave therapy will boost your confidence and give you gorgeous pins that you'll want to show off. These are long-lasting solutions that will solve persistent problems and give an effortless way to save time and energy.

7. Get your caffeine fix

Caffeine can temporarily increase circulation and decrease the fat accumulation in fat cells by inducing what we call lipolysis (fat cell death). This reduces the appearance of cellulite temporarily. Look for products which contain 5% pure caffeine and apply twice a day. Feeling inspired? To find out how we can help you achieve gorgeous legs, contact us  at the Wimbledon Clinic today.