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How to look your very best

How to look your very best

You already want to look your best - now take it to the next level. Laser hair removal, wrinkle reduction and skin rejuvenation are just a click away. You already know you are more than just a pretty face: now get the confidence to prove it! It's your life: live it! Wanting to look good is sometimes dismissed as superficial, but in today's world, this is no longer true. Image is important and, in some careers, looking your best can earn you promotions, respect and opportunities that you would not otherwise be offered if your appearance was not fully on point.

Here's how to be the best looking you: Eat, drink, sleep: repeat

When we are children we can eat and drink whatever we like, it seems, without suffering from any ill effects. But as we get older, and even before the permanent signs of ageing strike, we begin to see the effects of junk food and dehydration – it literally hits us in the face. Binging on salty and sugary carb-heavy snacks works to remove hydration from the skin as your system tries to flush through all the unnecessary salt and sugar. This effect is doubled as even more water binds to the carbs in your system. This is why a 'good night out' can leave you feeling bloated, with a puffy face and dark circles under your eyes.

Eat healthy 'real foods' instead, topping up on vegetables and protein when you are hungry, and ensuring that you keep your water intake up, especially if you are drinking any alcohol. Sips of water in between your alcoholic drinks prevent you from getting too drunk, and ensure that your hydration levels remain high – alcohol is a diuretic which can leave you dehydrated the next day.

Ensure that you find your personal right amount of sleep, and get those hours in. Some people can survive on five or six hours per day, others need eight or nine: if you are one of the latter, own it and arrange your sleep schedule to accommodate your needs.

Finally, as far as self-improvement goes, be active. You do not have to run ten miles per day, or workout for an hour every morning; just ten to fifteen minutes of moderate exercise three to five times a week can be enough to keep your body healthy and your metabolic rate ticking over nicely.

Make other improvements

Once you have made yourself as healthy and fit as possible, you still may not be happy with yourself. Fortunately, modern science has come up with ways to help us help ourselves, and this is where our services come in:

Hair removal: body hair can grow through thick and dark, and while some people are happy and confident to be natural, others find it embarrassing and unsightly and want to have it removed. Laser treatment is painless and effective, and works so much better than shaving as the hair follicle is removed, leaving your skin soft, supple and blemish-free. Plus, the treatment effect lasts so much longer than shaving, so you can get on with living your life.

Wrinkle reduction: Fine lines and wrinkles can begin to arrive in your twenties, giving you a tired and haggard look. Again, some people are not bothered, and this is absolutely fine, but for those to whom their looks are important, a treatment that targets fine lines and wrinkles, erasing them as though they were never there, using a mixture of radiofrequency and ultrasound, can be the solution.

Modern beauty therapies are non-invasive, safe when performed by industry-standard professionals and can help you to sculpt and shape the face and body that you know you should have. Get in touch now by visiting our website to get some more information and get started on achieving the beauty and body of your dreams.